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Jual DVD Video Tutorial SEO Lengkap Murah dari

SEO adalah kependekan dari Search Engine Optimization, suatu teknik agar website yang kita buat mudah ditemukan melalui search engine seperti Google.

Internet merupakan media yang paling murah, efektif dan cepat dalam menyampaikan informasi. Media lain brosur misalnya harus melakukan aktivitas cetak dan kirim secara fisik. Untuk media televisi biayanya sangat besar, dan hanya beberapa detik saja.

Dengan internet kita cukup membayar internet, membuat website, mengupdate isinya. Namun meskipun demikan itu tidak berarti apa-apa jika kita website kita tidak dikunjungi orang. Oleh karena itu kita harus berusaha supaya web kita dikunjungi orang. Cara yang paling efektif mendatangkan pengunjung adalah melalui search engine Google. Inilah yang disebut Search Engine Optimization.

Nah, untuk membantu anda, kami memiliki sebuah produk untuk anda yang ingin websitenya bisa lebih unggul dari web lain , yaitu VIDEO TUTORIAL SEO dari
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Lebih baik pakai cara yang lebih effisien aja :)

Oke , kami menjual DVD VIDEO TUTORIAL SEO

Berikut adalah list video yang akan di ajarkan kepada anda dari DVD VIDEO TUTORIAL SEO :

Materi Video
If You Are Fed Up With Optimizing Your Website For The Search Engines And Getting Little Or NO Results, Then Read This Web Page Very Carefully To Discover…
“The World’s Easiest Step-By-Step System To Consistently Generate Over 500+ Free Search Engine Visitors PER DAY To YOUR Website… Within 30 Days Or Less!”

Video 1 – Mastering the Basics

How to develop your strategy for 500 visitors per day
What is SEO and how it’s going to help you
what search engines you should target first for the best results
What to do if a SEO company approaches you !

Video 2 – How Search Engines rank your pages

How search engines really work
why they rank sites at number 1
The 3 elements you must have for ranking at the top
Why you won’t rank for some terms

Video 3 – Lay Strong Foundations

The most important factors in choosing your niche
How to choose the right keywords
Why the size of your niche will make or break you
How to find profitable niches for your industry
The elements of your niche you concentrate on

Video 4 – Develop your website

The most important elements in your web pages
Learn where to place these for maximum optimization
How changing a couple of words doubles your traffic
Why adding in some elements will get you banned

Video 5 – Power up your SEO (1)

Get indexed in the search engines within 24 hours
Three factors you must get right to rank at number 1
Dislodge your competitors and climb above them
How to get other webmasters to promote your site

Video 6 – Power up your SEO (2)

How to get your own site to be a link magnet
What 3 things not to do to promote your site
What things don’t work any more !
Supercharge today’s most popular method of promotion

Video 7 – Learn from the professionals

A run through of my number 1 ranking website
How I built it and how I get number 1 rankings
I show you how I develop it for popularity
I’ll show you all my code and my SEO strategy

Video 8 – Explode your visitors exponetially

One thing you must do once a week to your site
My top tip to get others to develop your site for free
How to double the value of outsourced material
How to double your visitors in 30 days


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Rp. 75.000

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